Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning

When we buy any product, it is very important to check whether the product we buy meets our expectations. This is because bad products can lead to safety problems, waste of money and time, and may even cause legal problems. In this case, inspection is crucial, especially for goods that involve large quantities of goods or need to be transported over long distances.

Aluminium bubble level tool quality control process

Randomly Selected Samples:

Random sampling from different locations of different samples, sample test reasonable distribution to each style.

Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning- choose samples

Product quantity check:

Check quantity of all received products, check whether quantity of delivered goods accord with ordered quantity

Product quality check

Check product workmanship, surface scratches, holes, stains, true etc. Whether the color meets the requirements of customer order.

Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning- workmanship defective list

Check Data Measurement;

Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning- size measurement

Special tests for Aluminium screeding level

1.Basic Function check;
2.Level Test;
3.3M test;
4.Rub Test;
5.Smell test
6.Barcode Scan test
7.Carton drop test

Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning- function test

Packing check(color box,out cartons.)

Checking whether the package is fit for transport and meets customer requirements

Aluminium Trapezoid/ Rectangular screeding level tool qc inspection check in shenyang,liaoning-- packing test

Inspection Report

Eagle Eyes Quality Inspection Co.,Ltd. will send you a report within 1 working day after the inspection. The content in the report is a summary and presentation of the inspection work, so that you can clearly understand the true condition of the goods.

Inspection can also protect the rights and interests of consumers. When consumers buy and use products, they have the right to know the quality and reliability of what they are buying. If there is any defect or problem with the product, then the consumer has the right to return it or claim compensation. By inspecting goods, you can ensure that consumers receive high quality products and maintain your business reputation.